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Zach Villegas


Zach Villegas


Zach graduated Cum Laude with a degree in Environmental Planning & Design from the University of New Mexico. He started at ZGL in 2011 where he has used his experiences from the arid southwest to create a unique award winning (2-time award winning!) design style that has been featured in local magazines. Creating efficient small spaces to large customer residential jobs, Zach brings a fresh and artistic style to Northern Colorado.

His beautiful wife and daughter keep him going and on top of his game. Staying active with his family is his favorite hobby with traveling, biking, skiing, and attending sporting events. Mountain biking has become his most recent passion, allowing him to explore the many splendors the Rocky Mountains have to offer.

LIKES: Working on his house, a crispy chile relleno, playing sports, cold beer, and the beach

DISLIKE: People who interrupt, New England Patriots, traffic jams and Valentine’s Day