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Zak George


Zak George


Zak grew up on a farm east of Colorado Springs where his family raised animals and were very active in their local 4-H club. He has been in the landscape industry for over 20 years. After graduating from Colorado State University and spending a year traveling, looking for that perfect career, it was then in 2005 that ZGL was born. Zak started the company with just a vision and a few tools to get his new business going. Through constant training and ongoing industry education, Zak and his team have led the company to become one of the best. Zak is highly involved in the green industry from the local chapter of Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado, to sitting on water boards, mentoring and from time to time you will even catch him at speaking events about the industry. Zak enjoys being an active member of the community as he feels it is an important part of how ZGL is “a local business you can trust”.

Zak and his wife Robben have been married since 2007 and have 2 young boys, Holden and Bo, along with a few rescue pups. Together they enjoy finding new adventures as a family, traveling to places off the beaten path and searching for the world’s best churro.

LIKES: Organization and intentionality amongst a team, fly fishing, rescue dogs, 54-degree Cabernet Sauvignon, quality time with friends and family, and my wife’s cooking

DISLIKES: Focusing on mistakes made in the past, wasting time, unkind people, and cilantro

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