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Grounds Maintenance Services

If you’re ready to embrace year-round beauty, optimized plant health, and a lush, vibrant landscape, you’ve come to the right place. Invest in the integrity of your outdoor space with Zak George Landscaping. We are your source for premier commercial grounds maintenance services in Fort Collins, CO.

Gardener Cleaning Backyard Garden Lawn in Fort Collins, CO

The Power of Well-Maintained Outdoor Commercial Spaces

Grounds maintenance and landscape services are instrumental components of commercial property ownership. Your landscape is the first thing visitors and passersby notice. As such, crisp lines, lush greenery, and meticulously maintained landscaping features can be pivotal to your business’s image, promoting a sense of cleanliness, credibility, and professionalism.

Exploring Commercial Grounds Maintenance

At Zak George Landscaping, we leverage years of experience to take on a wide spectrum of commercial grounds maintenance needs. With unparalleled knowledge, advanced techniques, and impressive resources, we specialize in grounds maintenance and landscape services for the following:

  • Commercial properties
  • Homeowner’s Associations
  • Apartment complexes and multi-unit facilities
  • Senior living facilities
  • Municipalities
  • Hospitals and medical practices

Benefits of Professional Grounds Maintenance Services

Grounds and garden maintenance services are transformative. The benefits of working with our commercial grounds maintenance contractors include:


  • Enhanced curb appeal and visual attraction
  • Increased credibility and professionalism
  • Improved soil structure, drainage, and grass growth
  • A healthy, lush, and more resilient lawn
  • Pest, weeds, and disease prevention
  • Reduced maintenance
  • Cost-effective, reliable, and sustainable

Types of Grounds Maintenance Services

Zak George Landscaping excels in a range of landscape, grounds, and garden maintenance services. To satisfy our client’s diverse objectives, our services include:

  • Lawn Care – Mowing, fertilizer, sod installation and repair, and aeration
  • Irrigation – Irrigation system repair, installation, and maintenance
  • Ground Management – Weed removal, pruning, and trimming
  • Seasonal Care – Snow removal, landscape winterization, and more

The Importance of Regular Grounds Maintenance

A sustainably lush and healthy landscape relies on timely care. Regular grounds maintenance is a vital component in your commercial property maintenance. These services prevent minor tune-up demands from spiraling into damaging issues, helping to keep your commercial space free of pests, disease, unsightly weeds, and costly landscape or garden overhauls.

Professional Grounds Maintenance Techniques

With a commitment to exceeding industry standards, our experts employ the most advanced techniques to yield exceptional grounds maintenance results. Prioritizing efficiency, quality, and safety, we create personalized maintenance plans that align with the needs of your property. These plans may include standard mow operations, tree care, integrated pest management, irrigation, and flowerbed maintenance.

Seasonal Grounds Maintenance Considerations

Different seasons welcome new commercial maintenance challenges. Fortunately, Zak George Landscaping has you covered year-round with our seasonal grounds maintenance services. From snow removal to spring irrigation care, flowerbeds, and fall winterization efforts, count on us to develop a seasonal grounds maintenance program that checks all the boxes.

Snow Removal Commercial Grounds Maintenance

When winter weather strikes, parking lots and walkways become riddled with ice and heavy snow. To mitigate the inconvenience of shoveling and the potential hazards faced by your employees, guests, and customers, partner with Zak George Landscaping. We provide individualized snow removal plans to ensure your property remains safe and spotless all winter.

Choose Excellence With Zak George Landscaping

With decades of trusted expertise and a commitment to quality workmanship, Zak George Landscaping is Fort Collins, CO’s leading commercial grounds maintenance contractor. We understand the distinct demands of commercial landscaping and go the extra mile to ensure your property remains healthy, welcoming, and safe. Partner with us for attentive service and unmatched value.

Let’s Discuss Your Grounds & Garden Maintenance Services

Invest in the integrity of your landscape without compromising on your budget, schedule, or needs with Zak George Landscape. From seasonal garden care to year-round commercial grounds maintenance and everything in between, count on our experts to uphold the health and beauty of your space. Contact us today to get started.