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Landscape Enhancement

Turn your property into a welcoming environment that exudes natural beauty and personalized flair with Zak George Landscaping. Our professional landscape enhancement services are customizable solutions that reconceptualize the form and function of your outdoor space. For premier exterior design services, partner with our landscape enhancement company in Fort Collins, CO.

A Segment of a Formal Garden with a Paving Stone Deck in Fort Collins, CO

The Importance of a Well-Designed Outdoor Landscape

A well-designed landscape is pivotal. Residential landscape enhancements can transform average spaces into relaxing retreats or entertaining gathering hubs, contributing to optimized property value and more usable space. Commercial landscaping enhancements are equally as advantageous. They allow your business to be more visually appealing, attract new visitors, and leave memorable impressions on passersby.

Trusted Landscape Enhancement Services

Discover the gold standard of residential and commercial landscaping enhancements with Zak George Landscaping. With a reputation for high-quality work, we specialize in custom-tailored landscaping design and installation. From minor refreshes to full-scale overhauls, we have the skill and advanced equipment to take on minor to complex landscape enhancements for homes and businesses alike.

Benefits of Professional Landscape Enhancement Services

A thoughtfully designed landscape can be transformative for homes and businesses. The leading benefits include:

  • Save time, effort, and money in the long run
  • Custom-tailored designs for bespoke results
  • Proper installation techniques to achieve long-lasting, high-quality results
  • Increased curb appeal, visual attraction, and property value
  • Improved air quality, water retention, and other environmental advantages

Exploring Options for Your Landscape Enhancements

When it comes to landscape enhancements, there is nothing we can’t do. Our skilled team specializes in an array of high-value landscaping solutions, including:

  • Hardscape, retaining walls, and pavers
  • Lawn design and remediation
  • Trees, shrubs, plants, and flower beds
  • Irrigation and drainage
  • Water features
  • Kitchens and fire pits
  • Pergolas, decks, and fences
  • Outdoor Lighting

Designing Landscape Enhancements

We believe that landscape enhancements should be as unique as the customers we work with. That’s why we take a collaborative approach to bring your vision to life. Our designers work with you to learn about your functional requirements, aesthetic preferences, and overall objectives to provide you with personalized recommendations that shape the blueprint of your design.

Material & Plant

Once we solidify the plan for your landscape enhancement, it’s time to fill in the blanks. Our designers help you optimize your design with hand-picked materials and plants that align with your maintenance requirements and visual objectives. From seasonal flowers to high-quality pavers, we have it all.

Full-Service Installation Process

There is no substitute for expertise. That’s why with Zak George Landscaping, our landscape enhancements are complete with a full-service installation. Our team leverages advanced training and industry-leading techniques to bring simple gardens to complex outdoor living spaces to life, ensuring the highest standards of quality workmanship to yield striking, long-lasting results.

Commercial Landscape Maintenance for Long-Lasting Beauty

To preserve the integrity of your stunning new addition, periodic maintenance is paramount. To mitigate excessive outdoor chores, leave your landscaping maintenance to Zak George Landscaping. We offer a number of flexible commercial maintenance plans to accommodate diverse needs, budgets, and preferences, helping business owners uphold healthy and vibrant landscapes year-round.

Choose Zak George Landscaping


As a family-owned and operated business, we treat every client like part of our family. With years of experience and a track record of success, we take pride in our legacy of high-quality work and exceptional customer service. We transcend the standard, ensuring a fully customized experience and attentive service for results that exceed expectations.

Contact Our Landscape Enhancement Company

Experience the best landscape enhancement service with Zak George Landscaping. As Fort Collins, CO’s leading landscape enhancement company, we’re here to revitalize your space with tailored improvements that align with your vision. To get started today, contact our friendly team or kindly fill out an inquiry form.