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Sprinkler System Installation

Professional sprinkler system installation will protect your lawn and garden from drought and maintain its beauty and value year-round. Once you have invested in a professional landscape design and installation, it’s important to care for your lawn and garden so that it stays beautiful and healthy. At Zak George Landscaping, we offer professional design, installation, and maintenance of sprinkler systems in the Fort Collins, CO, area. Our landscaping professionals will determine the right type of sprinkler system for the size, location, and type of lawn and garden you have. We also offer sprinkler system repair and maintenance.

Types of Lawn Sprinkler Systems

The goal of a sprinkler system is to provide the optimal level of water at the optimal time to encourage healthy lawn and garden growth while reducing the risk of rot, mold, discoloration, weeds, and disease. Our team of lawn sprinkler system contractors has experience in all types of lawn sprinkler systems. We will go over the advantages of each type so that you can choose the one that best meets your needs:

  • Turf Rotors – Turf rotors are usually used for watering large lawns and huge landscaping areas. They can spray 360 degrees of water across the ground.
  • Spray Heads – Spray heads are automated and rise from the ground to spray uniform water in a fan shape or other configurations, including 180 degrees and 360 degrees.
  • Oscillating Sprinklers – Oscillating sprinklers consist of a tube with holes. When water flows through, the pressure builds up and the water sprays out in a rectangular pattern. The sprinkler moves around to cover a wide area of lawn.
  • Stationary Sprinklers – Stationary sprinklers are best for smaller lawns and gardens. They spray water out in a preset pattern or a circle.
  • Rotating Sprinklers—Rotating sprinklers, also called revolving sprinklers, create a circular spray of water that spins in circles.
  • Traveling Sprinklers – Traveling sprinklers are best for large areas of flat lawns. They move around the lawn, propelled by water pressure.
  • Impact Sprinklers – Impact sprinklers operate via pressure from water sprays that hit a spring-loaded arm that makes the rotors rotate. They are best for large areas of grass because they use a very forceful spray.
  • Fixed-Spray Sprinklers – A fixed-spray sprinkler has a stationary sprinkler head that operates across a certain distance or circumference.
  • Multi-Stream Sprinklers – Multi-stream sprinklers are a type of pop-up sprinkler head that generates a slow stream of water that distributes as the head rotates. They are very efficient and work best on sloped lawns and uneven ground.

Our Sprinkler System Installation Services

Our sprinkler system services are comprehensive, and we handle all aspects of sprinkler system design, installation, maintenance, repair, and replacement. We will consider your specific needs, goals, and budget when designing the ideal sprinkler system for your home or business. Our sprinkler system services include:

  • Sprinkler System Design Services – We will carefully design the optimal sprinkler system based on the size of your home or business, your goals and vision for your property, the slope of the land and water runoff and drainage, the weather and climate in your area, and your budget. Our goal is to design a highly individualized sprinkler system that conserves water, reduces the risk of water waste and soil erosion, and protects the health and beauty of your plants.
  • Sprinkler System Installation Services – After your sprinkler system is designed, we will install it professionally. We use a meticulous, detailed installation process to ensure it is done properly the first time around.
  • Sprinkler System Redesign or Replacement Services – If you have an older sprinkler system or irrigation system that is no longer working for your needs, we can help. If you want to expand your garden or landscaping, adapt to the changing climate or weather in your area, and reduce the risk of drought and pest-related issues, we can redesign or replace your sprinkler system. We will evaluate what works and what doesn’t and design a new system that solves your problems and maintains the health and growth of your landscaping.
  • Sprinkler System Repair and Maintenance—Our team of landscaping professionals offers reliable, affordable sprinkler system repair and maintenance services that solve problems before they get bigger and more expensive to deal with. We can repair sprinkler systems that weren’t designed by our team and address issues that could be affecting the health of your lawn and garden. We will replace parts, repair damage, and make sure your system is operating at the highest level.
Water sprinklers irrigating a field in Fort Collins, CO

Why Choose Zak George Landscaping

At Zak George Landscaping, we have two decades of experience in landscaping design, installation, and maintenance. We are a locally owned and operated company specializing in creating highly personalized lawn and garden solutions for residential and commercial customers. Each member of our landscaping team is highly skilled and trained and committed to quality workmanship and exceeding customer expectations. We want to bring your vision of your dream landscape design to life and help you keep it lush and beautiful year-round. We understand that each customer and property is unique. So, we offer highly individualized residential and commercial landscaping services, including custom irrigation and sprinkler system design, mulching and lawn care services, landscape lighting, snow and ice management services, hardscaping, and more.

Call Our Lawn Sprinkler System Contractors Today

If you want help from our professionals in designing and installing a custom lawn sprinkler system in the Fort Collins, CO, area, call or contact us online. We will work closely with you to understand your needs and goals and design a sprinkler system that keeps your lawn and garden lush, healthy, and beautiful. We specialize in innovative and advanced techniques and personalized solutions that ensure optimal growth for our climate and region. We also offer residential and commercial landscaping services throughout Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, and Wellington, CO.